What is syntax for OR statement in trigger

It should be a simple thing, but I have no experience with the syntax. I have a trigger and it should react on ‘OP’ or ‘OR’. If I define only one of them it’s working fine (without {}). Can someone give me advice please? Thx.

  - trigger:
      - id: '0'
        platform: event
        event_type: sia_event_12300_100100
            code: {'OP', 'OR'}

You could just specify two triggers in the automation, one for each event. Triggers are automatically evaluated using OR.

If you’re looking for this trigger to respond to the same event but for different codes, I think this will work…

- trigger:
      - id: '0'
        platform: event
        event_type: sia_event_12300_100100
                - optionA
                - optionB

Edit: it seems I was wrong in my statement above as indicated by Petro below. You do indeed require two triggers.

You have to duplicate the triggers. One for OP and one for OR. Event templates do not support advanced options like others have elluded in this thread. Your only option is 2 separate triggers.

Thanks all. The solution of @teskanoo didn’t work unfortunately. Duplicating seems to work, but need further testing for the second OR which I cannot do right now. I think it will work.