I am looking to install an Android Tablet on the wall to use as the control panel for HA. I used WallPanel but it’s taking some time re refresh and does not reflect the status of HA Live.
Can anyone please recommend the best approach to use iOS or Android as the smart home control panel? I want this panel to have custom design and not native HA UI.
Thanks for the quick reply, What I meant is that when I try to turn on/off a light for example, the WallPanel seems to want to refresh the UI. So it throws an error first, then it refreshes the page and then it updates the status.
and by custom, I meant that I want to build my own custom dashboard UI, Icons etc, and I want that to be in the Tablet side without any side panels, menus etc.
I am not seeing the WallPanel ‘refresh’ that you are talking about.
I currently have three tablets running this and don’t know what error it is throwing for you. Can you provide a screen shot, picture, or example code that is causing your issue?