What is the cli interface to create a partial snapshot?


I am new to Hassio. I am trying to find a syntax for hassio CLI command to create a partial snapshot.
There is no example I can find on the internet, GitHub or this forum that can give any clue on how to do this.
Only I can find is options to take a full snapshot, which is no options.

This is what I come up with and it didn’t work.

# hassio snapshots new --name=Partial_2018-12-25:19:03 --options folders=homeassistant


extra keys not allowed @ data['folders']. Got 'homeassistant'


Have you tried

hassio snapshots --help


It is very little help in there. Options perhaps can be used to specify the name or folders, but how to use for partial?
I am not even sure this ever worked unless someone can prove otherwise.

core-ssh:~# hassio snapshots new --help
   hassio snapshots - list, info, reload, new, restore, remove

   hassio snapshots [command options] [arguments...]

   --rawjson, -j                                      Returns the output in JSON format
   --options key=val,key2=val2, -o key=val,key2=val2  holds data for POST in format key=val,key2=val2
   --filter prop1,prop2, -f prop1,prop2               properties to extract from returned data prop1,prop2
   --slug slugofsnapshot                              used with 'info|remove|restore|new' actions to return info on a specific snapshot slugofsnapshot
   --name value                                       used with 'restore|new' actions to set a name for a snapshot
   --password value                                   used with 'restore|new' actions to set a password on a snapshot

is it possible to create a partial snapshot from CLI?