What is the esay way to use alexa with home asistant?

My one
type: alexa
listen_port: 8300

Are you looking for Alexa in the developer tools? If you are, I don’t think you’ll find it at least I didn’t. If your getting the xml post back then open your Alexa app and you should see everything there.

You only mention Alexa, you are using a real echo aren’t you? If you’re not, it’s never going to work.

From personal experience, once you’ve set the echo up, literally just hit discover in the Alexa app and they all appear.

Out of interest, what benefit is haaska adding to your personal set up.

I had skills / SSL setup with Alexa already so setting up HAASKA wasn’t that hard. I think at the time I added it because it did more components than emulated hue but now I use it because I have two HA instances running so emulated hue handles one and haaska does the other.

I also use the HA alexa skills to get info sent back to Alexa, like

“Alexa, tell me the status of the front door”

“Alexa, tell me everything that is open”


“Alexa, tell me the location of John”

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Thanks, sounds like stage 2 :slight_smile:

my alexa today stop show all device form HA :frowning: