What is the esay way to use alexa with home asistant?

in order to make all home asistant

The easy way is to use the Emulated Hue Bridge:

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treno Thanks! :slight_smile:

i just need to add the line ?
how alexa know how to get the info from home assistant?

  type: alexa
  listen_port: 80

any idea? i do not find any info about it.

HA will position itself as a Hue hub which could be discovered by Alexa if they’re on the same network.

I have mine setup with listen_port 8300, which I believe is the default.
Say ‘Alexa Discover’ or use the Alexa app to do discovery.
Works great!

vkorn jfox Thanks!!

So alexa automatic Discover all my home assistant device ?! without to create any skill??

i must tray.

Nice!!! with 8300 work fine,

now how can i know what i need to tell alexa in order to get info?

I don’t think you can with emulated_hue except by triggering an external speaker with TTS. If you setup a home assistant skill which take much more work and SSL, amazon account etc, then you can ask,

Alexa, tell me the status of the bedroom light

yes that only on/ off device :slight_smile: but that fine for me.

just try to find how to make the Xiaomi wireless button to work with HA :slight_smile:


Do you know how can i hide some device from alexa?

Try these in emulated_hue. I just go the Alexa app and erase what I don’t want and rename (by adding into a group in Alexa app) the ones I want. (if you have a iphone you can try the homebridge for homekit with siri)

expose_by_default (Optional):
exposed_domains :

I dont want to use homebridge :slight_smile:
the main issue every Discover all item is back.

but Thanks!

I would stick set the expose_by_default to false and put all the entities I wanted Alexa to see in a group, then customize that group to emulated_hue true. You have to remember to add new devices to this group before discovery if you want Alexa to see them. I can see myself spending hours wondering why a new device is not showing up.

can you show me the code about it?

      emulated_hue: true
  expose_by_default: false
    - light.entitiy_you_want_controlled1
    - light.entitiy_you_want_controlled2

I;ve been trying to set up emulated hue for a couple days, and can’t get alexa to discover anything from HA. Is there something I am missing? The 2 pages listed in the troubleshooting section of the emulated hue documentation return what they should be, so I know it is running. But no amount or restarting HA and tapping discover in the alexa app have worked. I have searched the forum, and see that a lot of other people have experienced the same over the past 6 months or so, but haven’t been able to find a solution. Here is my config. Any ideas?

  type: alexa
  listen_port: 8300
  expose_by_default: true
    - switch

Try commenting out the optional parameters to see if works.

      type: alexa
  #    host_ip:
  #    listen_port: 8300
  #    expose_by_default: true
  #    exposed_domains:
   #     - switch

also, try the troubleshooting


You can verify that the emulated_hue component has been loaded and is responding by pointing a local browser to the following URL:

http://:8300/description.xml - This URL should return a descriptor file in the form of an XML file.
http://:8300/api/pi/lights - This will return a list of devices, lights, scenes, groups, etc… that emulated_hue is exposing to Alexa.

Still no luck unfortunately. Both of the troubleshooting pages return the expected output, but still no discovery of devices by alexa. I think I will hold on this for now, as most of my devices can be supported by installing a few skills. But I may consider HAASKA later on.

The only other thing is make sure Alexa and HA are on the same network. I use HAASKA and home assistant skills and not emulated hue now that I took the time to set them up.