(Kenneths Teknik)
April 18, 2020, 1:35pm
I have, as so many others, installed influxdb and grafana, and it works nicely, so much data flowing in
It would be nice to use the ‘inside’ docker url instead of the outside url (if possible), but what is it? How do I find that info?
April 18, 2020, 1:55pm
what do you mean by inside url?
Have you had a look at this thread that explains what to do step by step?
I know there are already a few tutorials on setting up InfluxDB and Grafana with Home Assistant, but they did not meet my requirements. Specifically, I did not want to use third-party images, which may not be maintained, and not use panel iframes to display the plots. Moreover, many of the tutorials still show the InfluxDB admin GUI, which is no longer available. So, here’s my version of how to get everything set up with the official images.
Run the following command to start the InfluxDB con…
(Kenneths Teknik)
April 18, 2020, 2:18pm
Ok, a setup like a camera, interesting, I was thinking of a URL like when grafana access influxdb with http://a0d7b954-influxdb:8086