What is the minimum frequency for SLOW PWM OUTPUT


documentation says, that period is defined in seconds. So my question: can i also specify milliseconds to get a period of some 2…5 Hz ?
saying "period: 500ms " meaning 2Hz ??

Is that working ?

reason for asking is that regular " ESP32 LEDC Output" starts only at 10 Hz. But i need a range in between. So what is best ?

It should take time component parameters, so anything above 1 millisecond should work. One pulse every 500ms corresponds 2Hz.

Hi, it works .

  - platform: slow_pwm
    pin: GPIO12
    id: pwm_thsol 
    period: 250ms         # Periodendauer 
    min_power: 0.5        # min Power 
    max_power: 1.0
    zero_means_zero: true
    inverted: false


You’re welcome