What is the most "modern" way of adding the Hue sensors to HA?

So I’m brand new to HA and I see that my Hue lights were automatically discovered (very cool) but I don’t see any of the motion (or temp or light) sensors in HA. I’ve been looking at finding a way to add them into my HA environment but every example I can find is quite old.

I realize that HA has a very active dev community so I’m wondering if this is actually natively supported now or if there’s an “official” method for getting the sensors into the system. Can anyone point to a modern way of getting these components added?

Official integration is said to be round the corner, but it’s been round the corner for a pretty long time.

This is the next best thing…

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Thank you very much.

I guess I need to look into adding custom components. :grinning: