What is the purpose of defining the package when customizing entities?

Can someone explain to me why this config file uses the “package: cameras” key pair when customizing entities in the package file.

I understand how the customize section works. I get packages and their benefits. I also understand anchors and merging. I just don’t get the point of adding the “package” attribute with the value of the package name to an entity that is defined in that package.

Can some explain to me what the package attribute does?

Here’s a link to an example of a full package file im talking about

And a snippet:

      common: &common
        package: "cameras"

      <<: *common

      <<: *common
      hidden: true
      icon: mdi:chevron-left

  - name: Kontor
    platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: !secret camera_kontor_mjpeg
    still_image_url: !secret camera_kontor_still
    username: !secret camera_kontor_username
    password: !secret camera_kontor_password

That’s a good question. Been wondering that myself.

I’ll just send the owner of that repo I linked an email and ask him.

I have similar in another package I copied off someone… Nothing to do with the repo as such although he might know why…

From what I’ve seen, it is a tag on the entity.


You can use the tag to filter in the states page.

I’m sure there is more you can do with it.

Ah yeah you’re right. I guess it is helpful to see where you configured something.