same problem here, when i test my alexa skill I always get:
There was a problem with the requested skills response
my skill configuration is:
Service Endpoint Type: HTTPS
Default Region:
Account Linking
Do you allow users to create an account or link to an existing account with you? = ON
Allow users to enable skill without account linking (Recommended). = OFF
Security Provider Information = Auth Code Grant
Authorization URI*:
Access Token URI:
Client ID*: (i'm in italy)
Client Secret*: bla bla bla
Client Authentication Scheme*: Credentials in request body
Scope: intent
Domain List: blank
Default Access Token Expiration Time: blank
i didn’t understand if i have to include :8123 in the url or not… anyway, also without doesn’t work! In my firewall I had created a nat rule to forward outside 443 to internal 8123 port
here the json:
"version": "1.0",
"session": {
"new": true,
"sessionId": "amzn1.echo-api.session.123-123-123-123-123",
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.123-123-123-123-123"
"user": {
"userId": "amzn1.ask.account.123123123"
"context": {
"System": {
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.123-123-123-123-123"
"user": {
"userId": "amzn1.ask.account.123123123"
"device": {
"deviceId": "amzn1.ask.device.123123123",
"supportedInterfaces": {}
"apiEndpoint": "",
"apiAccessToken": "123123123"
"Viewport": {
"experiences": [
"arcMinuteWidth": 246,
"arcMinuteHeight": 144,
"canRotate": false,
"canResize": false
"shape": "RECTANGLE",
"pixelWidth": 1024,
"pixelHeight": 600,
"dpi": 160,
"currentPixelWidth": 1024,
"currentPixelHeight": 600,
"touch": [
"video": {
"codecs": [
"Viewports": [
"type": "APL",
"id": "main",
"shape": "RECTANGLE",
"dpi": 160,
"presentationType": "STANDARD",
"canRotate": false,
"configuration": {
"current": {
"video": {
"codecs": [
"size": {
"type": "DISCRETE",
"pixelWidth": 1024,
"pixelHeight": 600
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.123-123-123-123-123",
"timestamp": "2020-02-05T12:40:29Z",
"locale": "it-IT",
"intent": {
"name": "UmiditaCameraIntent",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"