I just got HA working with my first switch a day ago. Not sure if it’s related to this current issue or not but I think it is:
When I edited configuration.yaml for the first time and added the switch, it disabled the web ui.
I lucked out because the hassio config editor was still open in another window so I removed the switch and HA web started working again. The docs said there was 2 ways to add the switch, so I added it the 2nd way and both the web ui and the switch started working.
Now I am trying to add a Honeywell thermostat. From reading the board, the code above works for some, but not all not others but even if it doesn’t work it shouldn’t be disabling the web ui should it? Thinking something else is going on.
Note other than the first # sign, the others were not there when I tried it. I just added them back to regain control of the web ui. Any idea why it disables the web ui. This is on a rasp pi.
I’m a novice, so I don’t know everything, but in my travels I’ve never seen a valid configuration containing climate 1: and so I believe it is invalid.
Do you have one climate: entry in your configuration.yaml or more than one?
When you run Configuration > General > Check Config does it report any errors?
No I only have one. I did it that way because that was their example and also that is what made the ui stop locking up when I did my first switch.
I am remote right now… will be back in about a hour and will try it without the 1. And thanks for the tip about the checker…maybe that will save me some grief.
After making changes to the configuration.yaml file, run Check Config to confirm it is free of errors before restarting Home Assistant.
If you skip the error-checking step, and there’s an error in the file, there’s a chance Home Assistant will balk when it encounters the error upon restart and halt. Long story short, no UI.
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping in "/config/configuration.yaml", line 1, column 1 expected <block end>, but found '<block mapping start>' in "/config/configuration.yaml", line 70, column 2
Line 70 = climate :
I took out the 1
Line 1 = homeassistant:
Ok this thing must be picky about empty space. There was a blank space in front of climate …I removed that and now says ok. About to reboot and see what happens.
Great you found the issue - the challenges with the yaml syntax will most probably remain, though.
At least they did for me and lack of or too many spaces keeps tripping me up over and over again
The only reason I even figured that out was because I am also taking a programming course(python) and it is picky about indentation like that It has a built in checker and it catches me all the time doing that/typo’s etc. So glad to find out HA has one too.