I just got my voice preview edition and it looks like I can start to replace my old rhasspy 2.5 setup.
I usually use Signal Messenger to send voice messages to rhasspy and let them run through the rhasspy pipeline which then executes stuff in homeassistant.
I want to do the same now with homeassistant voice and inject audio messages into homeassistant and get the voice assistants response.
That’s my usecase:
- have ‘Signal’ as a separate satellite
- send Signal message with voice command to homeassistant
- extract voice command
- pass voice command to homeassistant voice
- do whatever the command does
- pass back text response (no real need for a voice message back)
I have built this based on rhasspy2.5 but there it was easy to use the web endpoints or listen and publish to the respective mqtt messages.
I have no clue where to start for homeassistant voice. I have looked into the wyoming satellite python code but this seems like I’m overcomplicating things.
I found this in the ha documentation: Assist pipelines | Home Assistant Developer Docs
It looks like a start point but I’m not sure if this is the right thing.
Did anybody else have a look into this already?