What needed for bluetooth integration?

Looking at the LED strip at Amazon and find some of them are using bluetooth to communicate with phone app. How can bluetooth integrated with HA? My HA is running on container on ubuntu server which is on a laptop with bluetooth capability.


This is a really vague question. Bluetooth is just a protocol for data communication but is not specific enough for any implementation of LEDs alone.

In short, HA will not communicate with any random LED strip that runs Bluetooth. Instead, you’ll want to find if the specific platform that the LED strip runs is supported or not by searching on the integrations page.

That being said, many off-the-shelf LED strips use MagicLight/FluxLED. There are even links to controllers there.

For the most part, many of us have chosen to build our own LED strip controllers using ESP8266 boards and flashing them with WLED

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Thanks for the detailed info. Not really ready to diy led strip yet :slight_smile:

I was looking at https://www.amazon.com/Ultra-Long-KIKO-Bluetooth-Controller-Decoration/dp/B086YQS6VK/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 and from reviews it seems use bluetooth to link to the phone app.

That one will not work with HA without reverse-engineering the bluetooth connection and building a custom integration.

You’ll want to stay away from Bluetooth and look for those that are WiFi and compatible with MagicLight or FluxLED.

Or jump into Philip’s Hue, which will get spendy.

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got it, thanks.