What part is making the "noise"? Intercom phone

I want to add a ESP inside the intercom (or what it’s called), the phone that you ring from the street when you want to enter the house.

Anyways, it’s easy to make an ESP open the door, but I thought I could do better.
I want to read when someone pushes the button also.
That way I can make a combination of pushes open the door so that our son can open the door himself.

But what part here makes the sound?
I thought I would see a speaker or piezo but there is nothing that looks familiar to me.
The big grey thing in the middle is a reed switch for the phone.
I suspect it’s the silver thing in the upper left corner.

There is nothing on the back of the PCB.

I’d try to unplug the phone part and check if it still rings. If not, then the speaker probably is within that part.

To verify, keep the mount for the phone-part pressed with your finger and let someone else ring the bell. Hold the phone-part away, and then locate the sound acoustically.

Thats a Siedle intercom phone. And like danielperna84 said its using the phone speaker.
It will only ring if the reed detects the phone. Otherwise you’ll go deaf if someone rings again when you pickup :smiley:

To add, the upper left shiny silver thing is a clock crystal

That’s quite obvious now that I think about it.
I tried to get some help from the female and she measured 4 volts between the pins of the round thing right of the reed switch when it rang.
Not sure if that is a better source of getting the “data” since the speaker itself will be used when talking and using AC.

I’ll see what happens if I connect it to a pin via an optocoupler.

For a proper contact you will require:

  • Siedle BSE 650
  • Someone who can program the bus.

Or get another phone like the BTC 850 which has a dedicated output for an external bel.
But that will also require someone to program.

It almost sounds as if you know what you are talking about :wink:

So there is no good contact that can give me a signal on ring?
My idea is to read the number of presses and if it’s x or some pattern then open the door.
But I guess I have to scrap that then.

But BTC 850? Is that a good phone for us that want to “not be limited to stock features”?
We are going to switch phones sometime in the future and they actually asked us if we had any suggestions.

Not on this phone.

Siedle is very closed of so there will be no real integration with anything else then their partners.
If you want to use an App then you will need to get the gateway (SG 150) which is around 700 Euro’s.
And again, you will also need to pay someone to install it. (I take it your not the only one on the intercom)

No I’m not looking for an app.
Preferably connection points on the board that I can read with ESPS-Home.

It will be 50 apartments that need new phones and probably also tje outside units(5 of them).

In that case the BTS/BTC 850 with the ZAR 850 (i forgot that you need an extra print for just that :sleepy:)
For signaling, and if you want to open the door just solder a relais to the button for that.

For a bigger installation there is sadly just a few big players and their stuff is old :smiley: and does not have automation in mind.