What relay to make shutter blinds smart

Im thinking about making my electric shutter blinds smart.
Therefore I found two possible relays:

  • shelly plus 2pm
  • Sonoff ZBMini (Zigbee)

The shelly might be software sided the best alternative here, because i can set the device to cover, set the time it takes to fully open/close via the device settings and inside home assistant everything is automatically set as needed.

I like the Sonoff, because I have multiple Zigbee devices and these relays shoukd work as routers.
But here I have no app to set anything (am using the Sonoff zigbee dongle).
So inside my home assistant its shown as switch and i have to set a cover template for each shutter.
But if i put my covers up - via the cover template (and the switch will be turned on) how to turn that switch off again after the covers are opened?

What device would you get (if youre running on many Zigbee devices as I do)?
Shelly, because its easy to set up, or Sonoff because of the Zigbee?