What RFID reader works with pet (cat/dog) chips?

Hello, I’m trying to build a chip reader for my cat, so I can use automatizations with HA.

I’ve seen in this community some failed attempts to use standard RFID readers and a quick internet search tells me the most common frequencies for pet chips are 125-kHz and 134.2-kHz.

Can somebody tell me what HA-compatible RFID reader should I buy (I love ESPhome, so it could be ideal) so my cat would be able to open doors, get some food, be located and even send me a message to HA everytime he goes away?

Has anybody tried to build something like this? Are there any commercial solutions? I can only find chip readers, like the Vet’s one.


Did you ever find a solution for this?

I would love to know as well. Has anyone found a solution for this?

+1! Would also like to hear if @mabusdogma found a solution.

There are two main rfid frequencies, I bought a UHF “long range” reader from ebay and was going to attempt to read a surplus military rfid tag attached to the robot mower and open a gate for the mower but not the dog. Ended up not continuing with the project since the gate was heavy enough and the dog has shown zero interest in using it. That said, it wasn’t hard to talk to, it was just standard uart communication. The smaller pet tags should be 125Khz and I think are significantly smaller and cheaper.

There won’t be a solution that the OP is looking for. The ID chips in the pet only have a range of 4 or 5 cm. (At best, a half-inch).

Why not just use a BT beacon?

Because they are rfid chips

maybe put a bluetooth tracker on their collar?

Ya, Im aware of that. Are you aware of any rfid tracking integrations even remotely comparable to BT in available software, required hardware, and functionality? m not aware of any that do much more than use an rfid tag as a binary sensor which isny very usefu and the OP doesnt strike me as the type who can create custom integrations/add-ons so… Why not just use BT?

Because Bluetooth chips don’t get embedded in pets

Biggest issue with ble beacons is the battery, rfid is passive, so you only have to power the transmitter/receiver. Trying to pick up a pet’s embedded tag, from a distance, isn’t possible though.

Embedded chips suck for what OP is trying to do and theres no existing framework for it anyway. Since it wasnt obvious, I was suggesting a better alternative.

Did you have something useful to contribute? I didnt see your answer on how to do what OP wants with rfid but, you seem very commited to playing out some fantasy of being the thought police and attacking helpful suggestions that would actually be possible?

I use a beacon on my dog and it lasts 18 months on average plus it flashes when low and I can see battery level in HA. The orher reason is, who have you ever seen walking around with an rfid reader? Ya, nobody ever.

Eveybody has a BT scanner on their phone and can see my dogs information on their phones BT devices but, lets keep hearing about rfid!

Yes but none of that answers the question in the thread.