What’s the best, affordable “in bed” presence sensor (pre built , non ifttt)
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Thx. I’d rather not build something
Anything ???
I would have a hard time seeing a product on the market that is presence for beds.
There are so many types of beds and I assume that there is no universal method for any bed.
Then add that there is only a small percentage that does home automation at all.
And of them a small percentage that needs/want a in bed detector.
With all those factors in mind there is no way for a company to build a product like this and get their money back in even a few lifetimes.
There’s many many sensors. I’m just looking for the best. Eight, withings for example
What is that? Do you have a link?
You ask for presence detection and link to sleep tracking.
That is not the same thing.
They both do presence detection