What’s your favorite automation based on zones?

I’m just starting to explore zones. There is so much potential for some really interesting automations! So what’s your favorite zone based automation? Let’s start a thread to capture the best!

I really only have a one automations based on zones, but when we hit a grocery shop zone, it prompts whether you want to open the shopping list.


I’ve gotten parking tickets more than once at the same spot, because of my sheer forgetfulness. :money_with_wings:

So now if either myself or my wife enters that area for at least 5 minutes, we will get a notification, reminding us to pay parking fees on the parking app.


We have zones set at frequented areas that notify each other when someone leaves or arrives at those zones (kids house, grocery, doctor, etc).

Have two booleans (stalk_me and stalk_wife). If one of us is heading out early and the other is still asleep, we flip those off so the notifications don’t happen.

Also have a couple zones out of town that when we arrive, it turns off the stalk boolean for whoever entered that zone. Then, when leaving those zones, it messages asking if we are really leaving to go home. If so, it flips the stalk boolean back on and notifies. That way, when I am at my brothers house, the wife does not get a notification when I run to the store.

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Love the name of the Boolean. My wife and I call the zone map the stalker map! I’ll be stealing that naming convention!

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My favorite is the one I’m working on as my first flow. Based on BIGTIMER I set “daytime” (“nighttime” is NOT “daytime”). Based on zone node I set for two people each “home” or "not_home. Based on that I determine if one person is “home” or if both are “not_home”. Then I set my thermostat down if both people are “not home” or regardless if it is “nighttime”. I set my thermostat up if “daytime” AND one person “home”. WIth the cost of fuel these days, this could save me a few $$.

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