What "sort" of Home Assistant do I have?

While hunting through these fora, I see Home Assistant is referred to in multiple terms.
To avoid ambiguity, what should I call my installation?
I installed from an ISO Image on to an Intel NUC. And this is the image from Settings | About:
Is this information (should it be useful) available in text form.
Regards, Martin

You have this:

Home Assistant Operating System (formerly HassOS) is a Linux based operating system optimized to host Home Assistant and its Add-ons.

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Here’s a diagram showing the layers:

The image you show is from Settings → About and the text can be selected and copied directly.

The main pieces are HAOS = 13.1, HASS = 2024.9.1. Supervisor is implicit with HAOS, Frontend is part of Core.

I think you mean Core = 2024.9.1

A really pedantic point: when I copy-and-paste the above screenshot from my HA site, the field names and values are separated by a newline character:

Operating System

Now that HA has a UI person, it would be great to fix this so users could copy and paste these values here, without reformatting. Not a high priority, I’m sure. But more valuable than some of the UI changes I’ve seen.

And reassurance: what you have is the most common installation type, and the recommended way for folks to start out. Enjoy the ride!

You have a Generic x86-64 Home Assistant OS (often abbreviated to HA OS) install.


And a “Docker” is…?

Regards, M.

Although you are right, the original question was about the terminology used on the forum. Most folk will refer to HASS rather than Core - it’s shorthand for the release independent of the platform it is installed on.

I could be wrong, but I thought HASS was an obsolete term they were trying to steer us away from. Either way, I’d rather keep shorthand to a minimum, especially with new users. It’s already hard enough to figure out all the jargon around HA!

Hass means hate in German so best to avoid it.

Hassio is an obsolete term, though you can still find references to it in the core if you know where to look.

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Interesting - as my German language skills are pretty much pointing and trying, “einer dieser, Bitter?”, I had no idea of the HASS translation.

The alternative term Core has the disadvantage of not being quite specific enough to my eyes, but I’ll switch my language over in posts as something else like HA-C or HAC doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue (or a forum search term).

Hass.io did get lumped into anything so being able to easily tell apart HAOS / Supervised / Container / Core with authority has been an advantage.

It’s a type of virtual machine that creates a minimal OS needed to run only a certain individual app on a larger host operating system. the virtual machines are called “containers” in Docker.

Both Supervised install types (HAOS and HA Supervised) run docker in the background to run all of the pieces that those install types need along with any add-ons you have installed.

You really don’t need to know Docker to run those types of HA installs tho as it’s all taken care of for you in the background.

I agree it’s an odd choice of name. But I do sort of get it. This is the central part of the whole project; the part which provides HA’s “core” functionality.

Core only has four letters. I don’t see much to gain by making it into an acronym, so in the interest of good communication I’ll stick with the standard term.