What to do when DuckDNS or similar do not work


I had a problem - that I manage to solve - but still wanted to ask.

I’m accessing my HA server using a DuckDNS address. My ISP changed my IP from public to private meaning that my I couldn’t access my webgui in anyway. However I still had SSH access. Is there anyway to change the configuration from a DuckDNS address back to home assistant being accessible via its IP address from cli?


If it is justaport block, then you might be able to use anothero one, like port 21(normally telnet) or shutdown your SSH and set HAon port 22.
Otherwise try ports above 10000 and up to 65535.

Ok, so I can change listening port via SSH? Do you know how?

If it is SSH in HA, then in the add-ons configuration page.
If it is on a HostOS, like Linux, then maybe /etc

Actually I don’t think the changing the port solves the problem. If the internal and external address is set to https://XXXXXX.duckdns.com:8123 I would still need to change the listening url right to access the GUI?

You change the port in the routers port forwarding rule.

No that wouldn’t work as home assistant is still listening for the specified internal and external url. So the question is really can these be changed from the cli?

What do you mean by that?
A WAN address is always public or does you ISP use CGNAT?

If you port forward port 22 on your public side of the router to :8123, then HA will see it as the traffic coming to port 8123.
The companion apps might need :22 add to the URL and so does a web page url.