What type of installation do I have

Probably a silly question but what heading does the installation I have come under based on the following install https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi/

I see so many names and variations of the software available I was just wondering what name do I refer my installation to

This is just considered a normal python virtual environment install.

Essentially you just installed home assistant on Raspbian. No docker, no hassio.

It is installed on Raspian.

So I would say it is Home Assistant (or HA) installed in a virtual environment on Raspian.

The developers are trying, more & more to make the Hass.io options the “normal” install, I believe.

That’s great guys. Good to know what installation name I can use when referring to it in a post.

I hope they don’t abandon me now after all the configuration work I put in to this version :joy:

Another reason I asked was that I noticed some users providing solutions which in the end referred to a different platform and were not relevant to the OP.

Thanks again guys !!!

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It has always been written in Python, and appears that it will always be Python, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.