What will happend if I use homeassistant in local internet(without WAN network connection)

If I plug it back into the network that has internet and it will start up fine, and will then start up fine the first time I go back to the network without internet, but after restarting it again, I can no longer find it by browser ip.

here is the only thing I have in my “logs”
2020-07-07 11:55:15 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=63 from 2020-07-07 06:08:46.697607)

2 networks = probably 2 dhcp-servers. Check if you move from one network to another if the ip-address is still the same. Except of course if you setup fixed ip-addresses.

I have tried both, fixed and dhcp, neither seem to matter, my ip is stayinng the same in my router. only thing that changes is the internet.connection.

I just tried to do a fresh install on the router/network I intend to use offline. I connected it to the internet for the install, and then after disconnecting the internet, I rebooted. It started fine, but after rebooting again, it will not allow me into the local browser ip, just like the other install. It seems to need the internet to start up for some reason.

I think it tries to reach a NTP server.

I am seeing the exact same behavior as #redeye_joe. My setup is running the latest version of hassio on RPi 2. I am handing the hassio instance a reserved IP address from a dhcp server. If I setup NTP on that same server, will that make hassio happy and launch the docker? Also, when I see the same behavior after second boot disconnected from internet, logging in from cli prduces the following error and drops to a command prompt. “[WARN] Home Assistant CLI is not running! Jump into emergency console…”

Just a heads up, rpi2 not recommnded hardware anymore. just a FYI

Thank you for the response. I had read that is was not recommended anymore, but this system is setup in an environment where no wifi or bluetooth are allowed. Rpi2 was the only one that fit that bill.