Whats the best way to reallize a disher automation?


I record yesterday my disher progress this is what i get.

my idea was to set the input_select with one or more automates to the status. then I already have a state.

whats now the best way to make a automation for a notification when the disher is done?

i make me input_select

    name: Spuelmaschine Status input
    icon: mdi:dishwasher
      - "Off"
      - "Active"
      - "Finished"
    initial: "Off"

i choose here off / Active / Finished, I think that should be enough and is not too exaggerated and the most important steps or?

my course is a bit difficult at 8 o’clock the dishwasher is started, with 53-56 watts, then comes a short slump to 7-16 watts, then it goes up to 2241 watts, then you see a longer break or I think there rinses the machine then it goes back to 2213 watts high it is then 56Watt and at 23 o’clock the dishwasher is ready with 1Watt, 0 - 1 watt is apparently the standby consumption

now, i want to create the automation, whats here the best way, one automation for all, or 3 Automation for every condition?

Is there a different power consumption value between “Off” and “Finished” ? If no, you will have to change manually the state between “Finished” to “Off” as the only difference in this case is that the dishwasher is empty or full and dirty (Off) or full and clean (Finished)… So without having an automated way to identify these states, a manual action will be required to change the state from “finished” to “off”…

no there is no differrent.

you are right, i wanted to set this in the automation, at the end. but yes i can skip this.

but how i the best way to make the automation my problem is that he is for one hour down to 56Watt and than goes back to 2213 Watt.

i have problems my designing the automation, has some perhaps a automation done for a disher?

Try something like this:

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: "Dishwasher"
        icon: "mdi:dishwasher"
        state: '{{ states("sensor.dishwasher_power") | float(0) > 30 }}'
        device_class: moving
          minutes: 5

The sensor is activated when the power consumed exceeds 30 watts and will remain active for 5 minutes after the power falls below 30 watts.

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yeah, this is a very simple but effective way to solve the whole thing. perfect thanks

here the complete code

- platform: template
        friendly_name: SpĂĽlmaschine status
        value_template: '{{ states("sensor.blitzwolf_shp6_15a_energy_power") | float(0) > 30 }}'
        device_class: power
          minutes: 5