What's the best way to reschedule an automation?

Hello everyone,

I currently have some automation for my robot vacuum, for it to clean different rooms based on day and time.
i.E., an automation that runs at 21:45 every evening to clean the kitchen.

What I would like to know is: if the robot is busy (or other custom conditions) what is the best way to make the automation wait or reschedule it after 5-10 mins? Currently, if the robot is busy, the automation starts but fail in the execution. At the end, the robot will not clean the kitchen.

Actually there is no way to make an if/else block in automation, am I right? In this way, I thought I could recall the automation after 5 minutes and continuing so indefinitely.

You can do that with choose in the action of your automation:

That way you could clean the kitchen when your vacuum isn’t busy. In the case that the vacuum is already busy you could set an input datetime and use that time as a trigger as well.

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or you could actually just use the if/then syntax:


Ah super! So there is a way to make if/else in automations :slight_smile: !!
Thank you very much, I will experiment whit that later!

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