What's the best way to start?

Allright. Here I go =) I’m sorry if this already asked before, but I’m a bit confused by all the systems, gateways, tools, etc etc.

I’ve got a Philips Hue 2.0 bridge. Don’t know why, but I’ve just bought it. Now I’m looking for a way to get started and I can’t figure out what’s the best way.

  • Which lights are recommended?
    – Hue / Xiaomi / Osram / Ikea Tradfri
    – When I go for, lets say, Osram. Do I need to get the gateway to update the lights or not? Same for Xaomi.

Also I want to add the Osram Smart+ plug to switch on and off the christmas tree lights :grin: Does that work out of the box with the Hue Bridge?

What is the best quality ligt compared to the price. I’ve read some negative experiences about Osram.

So. Summarizing; I’ve got the bridge and I buy 3 Osram ligths and the smart + plug and also Xiaomi or Hue ligths. Will this easily be addable and controllable by HA?

Last question; I’ve seen that the Hue bridge has a maximum of 50 lights (devices?) and Osram 150. Is that something to keep in mind?

** edit **
One thing that came to my mind after posting; will I have benefits from a Harmony Elite / Ultimate? For example to switch on or off my LG Smart TV or Turn on the LG, switch to Netflix and turn on de Sonos playbar? Or is the Harmony not necessary to accomplish this?


First of all, you must know about all light that you mentioned which technology are using, because, for example, xiaomi don’t have zigbee lights bulbs. They are wifi.

After that, you must know which ones use gateway (bridge) and which not. Then, you must know if gateway of hue, is compatible with light of Osram or Tradfi, or gateway of Tradfi is compatible with philips hue bulbs or Osram. Because if you have already the hue bridge, and then the Osram bulbs are not compatible with the bridge of hue, then you must buy the bridge of Osram.

In case of xiaomi, i think that you refer to the yeelight white/colour bulb or the xiaomi philips smart bulb. These one, are wifi, as i told you before, and don’t use bridge, just connect directly to you wifi router.

So first of all, you must know the different product, and which ones are comaptible between them. And then you must see the prices of each bulb, and decide.

Allright. That’s part one =)
Isn’t it wise, in alle cases, to use more than one bridge? Even if it’s only for updates of the hardware?

Also the question regarding to Logitech Harmony is answered, I saw the Webos addon for HA. So that’s great!