For some reason my zigbee bedside light is turning on randomly in the middle of the night which is…annoying. It’s integrated via Zigbee2MQTT and doesn’t have specific timer automations attached to it. I normally control it via a Tuya zigbee remote control. I looked in the history for the entity and found it to not be very helpful (as below - entry at 3:02am). Any ideas?!
What is Mark Bedside
? Because that is what triggered the Bedside Lights
Mark Bedside is the left hand light itself, there is another one (Hansen Bedside) on the right, which together are grouped as a light group called “Bedside Lights”. What’s interesting is that only my light was on? Is it possible to see the same log history for a group as it is within th UI for a single device?
Check the settings of the light, i.e. there could be setting that it switches on after power was lost/regained.
I am of course not sure if power was lost …but it is worth checking
Goto Settings > Devices & Services. Select the tab ‘Devices’ and select the device ‘Mark Bedside’
What does the log for “Mark Bedside” say?
I have this problem with tuya wifi switches. Sometimes they go ballistic and start to turn light on for no apparent reason. Truth to be told this was happening only on multi switching. But it’s annoying.
On your place I will open the switch and check the wiring. You need just a little bit of exposed wire going into the switch. I’m talking about 3 millimeters.
If this is all oke and all your switches are working fine you can try to pair it again.
If this doesn’t help, well than you have faulty switch