Whats wrong with my automation syntax

alias: awtrix_bday_kay_countdown
description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: state
      - sensor.anniversary_bday_kay
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.anniversary_bday_kay
        below: 1
	  - service: mqtt.publish
	      qos: 2
	      retain: true
	      payload: |-
    		    "text": "{{ states.sensor.anniversary_bday_kay.state }} K",
    		    "rainbow": true,
    		    "icon": 14004,
    		    "duration": 10 
	      topic: awtrix1/custom/bday_kay
	  - service: mqtt.publish
	      qos: 2
	      retain: true
	      payload: |-
    		    "text": "Happy Birthday!",
    		    "rainbow": true,
    		    "icon": 14004,
    		    "duration": 10 
	      topic: awtrix1/custom/bday_kay

You forgot to tell us the problem.

HomeAssistant marks it with a red vertical bar and does not even let me save this. (= Syntax must be wrong at some point)

It’s just YAML hell… OMG!

tab characters must not be used in indentation (15:1)

 12 |         entity_id: sensor.anniv ...
 13 |         below: 1
 14 |     then:          
 15 | →  - service: mqtt.publish
 16 | →    data:
 17 | →      qos: 2
1 Like

Check this code:

alias: awtrix_bday_kay_countdown
description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: state
      - sensor.anniversary_bday_kay
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.anniversary_bday_kay
        below: 1
      - service: mqtt.publish
          qos: 2
          retain: true
          payload: |
                "text": "{{ states.sensor.anniversary_bday_kay.state }} K",
                "rainbow": true,
                "icon": 14004,
                "duration": 10 
        topic: awtrix1/custom/bday_kay
      - service: mqtt.publish
          qos: 2
          retain: true
          payload: |
                "text": "Happy Birthday!",
                "rainbow": true,
                "icon": 14004,
                "duration": 10 
        topic: awtrix1/custom/bday_kay

There still seems to be an error in:

      - service: mqtt.publish
          qos: 2
          retain: false
          topic: awtrix1/custom/bday_kay
          payload: |-
                "text": "Happy Birthday!",
                "rainbow": true,
                "icon": 14004,
                "duration": 10 
      - service: mqtt.publish
          qos: 2
          retain: false
          topic: awtrix2/custom/bday_kay
          payload: |-
                "text": "Happy Birthday!",
                "rainbow": true,
                "icon": 14004,
                "duration": 10 

How could I possibly specify multiple “service: mqtt.publish” blocks here?

What kind of error?

  1. Is the Automation Editor still reporting that there’s a syntax error?
  2. Is mqtt.publish failing to publish the payload?
  3. Is mqtt.publish succeeding to publish the payload but the payload isn’t understood by the subscriber?
  4. Does only one of the two mqtt.publish work or do both fail?

Sorry for not being specific. The first service block (awtrix1) works, the second is not published.

Check the automation’s trace. It reveals the result of each step performed by the automation.

It turns out it was a Layer 8 problem… everything works as expected. (but the trace definitely helped to realize that… :grinning: )

Thanks a lot!

What did “Layer 8” misinterpret?

The if condition I defined. Until kay’s birthday it is perfectly fine if the then-branch is executed.