What's your bin collection schedule?

How funny! I was wondering the other day about writing an app that would tell you when your bin collections were and alert you to put them out…

Anyway, around my way in North London, we have main/recycling every Wednesday morning and garden waste every fortnight on Saturday mornings.

It all seems to go to pot around Christmas.

Christchurch NZ.

Three bins, green (compostable), red (general rubbish), yellow (recyclable). Green can go out every week, on your set day. Red and Yellow alternate week to week, so each goes out fortnightly.

Our council does claim to have an api, and has an app which reminds you on your android/ios device, just put in your address and never forget again! However a HASS reminder would be good together.

Wow, who comes up with these things. Your bin schedule reminds me of a code/cipher I saw the other day while my Wife was watching a documentary on the Zodiac killer in America.

That’s ridiculous, talk about usability issues. How is an elderly person supposed to understand that!

Thanks for sharing

Hey, Everybody
Sorry for the late reply, I’ve just been way too busy to get back on here and reply to my threads :-/

Thanks to everyone for the replies, it has given me a bit to be going on with.
At the minute I too am using nothing and have no sensor currently set up as I am concentrating on other things and it just keeps getting pushed to one side.

I like the idea of integrating the bins into a BLE environment from @chrisvella

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I have a 3 bin service (green, yellow, red).

  • Green = Food and Organic Waste (weekly)
  • Yellow = Recycling (alternative every 2 weeks)
  • Red = Waste/Rubbish (alternative every 2 weeks)

At the moment I’m using google calendar. But trying to learn how to code so I can do a custom component/sensor as my council has a backend and I can hook into which provides the info (returns info in json). Using LIFX bulb to flash the bin colour on the day I need to take the bins out. All currently experimental, I also tested Sonos TTS.

Would be very handy if someone already has a custom script/sensor that I can just tweak to take my url, header, data and then the ability to take the json data and import into hass that would be sweet :smiley:

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Thanks, and sorry for the [extremely] late reply :-/

I have trash (green bin) Tuesday morning, yard waste (no bin, just pile it up by the curb) Wednesday morning, and recycling (yellow lid) Friday morning. So far I’m just using a pair of rather lame automations to send reminder emails/SMSs to everyone the afternoon before.

My next project is to get big–maybe 12" square–reflective QR code stickers printed up and attach them to the bins so my outside security cameras can recognize them and send increasingly urgent reminders as the pickup time nears. My stepsons are incredibly lazy and so frequently need a serious kick in the pants to actually do anything useful. If we get better integration with the UniFi controller stuff, maybe I can get it to shut off the boys’ internet service until they take the trash out! :smiley:


I use a scrape sensor to grab the date from my local council website, like this:-

- platform: scrape
  resource: https://www.eastleigh.gov.uk/waste-bins-and-recycling/waste-bin-and-recycling-collection-dates/your-waste-bin-and-recycling-collections?uprn=200002902607
  name: Glass
  select: "dd:nth-of-type(4)"


Then my Google Home notifies me on the morning of collection via an automation trigger and TTS, has been working very well for the last 6 months or so and obviously takes into account any changes due to bank holidays etc.

The link in the example is just a random address from my area


Any progress with your project, @HassCasts ? :slight_smile:

Sorry to bother you, but you wouldn’t mind sharing how you do that, would you? I’m tying myself in knots working out how to work with a bare ‘date’ as a target for a reminder the day before. Most examples seem to use Google Calendar…

No worries if not. Thanks

My council website scraper pulls the date and I use it in a Google TTS announcement every morning, have a look and it might give you some clues. If you leave the date you pulled with your rest sensor as a timestamp and convert the current date to a timestamp it should work I think :thinking:

          {% set date = states.sensor.glass.state.split()[1] + "-" + states.sensor.glass.state.split()[2] + "-" + states.sensor.glass.state.split()[3] %}
          {% if date == currentdate %}
          Also it's glass collection day, don't forget to put the glass bin outside.
          {% endif %}
          {% set date = states.sensor.household_waste.state.split()[1] + "-" + states.sensor.household_waste.state.split()[2] + "-" + states.sensor.household_waste.state.split()[3] %}
          {% if date == currentdate %}
          Also it's household waste collection day, don't forget to put the black bin out.
          {% endif %}
          {% set date = states.sensor.recycling.state.split()[1] + "-" + states.sensor.recycling.state.split()[2] + "-" + states.sensor.recycling.state.split()[3] %}
          {% if date == currentdate %}
          Also it's recycling collection day, don't forget to put the green bin out.
          {% endif %}

I’m trying to use scrape as well, but I can’t get it to work.

  - platform: scrape
    resource: http://www.wastenet.org.nz/RecycleRubbish/WasteCollectionSearch.aspx?view=2&id=162121
    name: Recycling
    select: "div:nth-child(4)"

unfortunately my sensor is not working. Could anyone help me out here?
If I inspect the “day” chrome, there’s no “copy selector” available, only XPath and outerHTML.
*the address is one in my area

Do you use any sensors/automations for rubbish collection? Keen to share?

I use this custom component: https://github.com/bruxy70/Garbage-Collection


  - name: "Waste" # Each week on Monday
    frequency: "weekly"
    collection_days: "mon"
  - name: "Recycling" # Bi-weekly on Monday
    frequency: "odd-weeks"
    collection_days: "mon"
## Garbage Binary Sensors

- platform: template
      entity_id: sensor.recycling
      friendly_name: "Recycling Today"
      value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.recycling', '0') }}"

- platform: template
      entity_id: sensor.recycling
      friendly_name: "Recycling Tomorrow"
      value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.recycling', '1') }}"

- platform: template
      entity_id: sensor.waste
      friendly_name: "Garbage Today"
      value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.waste', '0') }}"

- platform: template
      entity_id: sensor.waste
      friendly_name: "Garbage Tomorrow"
      value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.waste', '1') }}"
## Garbage and Recycling Reminder Automation

- id: garbage_reminder
  alias: 'Garbage Reminder'
  initial_state: true
    platform: time
    at: '20:00:00'
    condition: time
    - sun
  - service: notify.telegram_general
      title: '*Information*'
      message: >
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.recycling_tomorrow', 'on') %}
          Reminder - it is garbage and recycling night.
        {% else %}
          Reminder - it is garbage and green waste night.
        {% endif %}
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.dnd # do not disturb 
    state: "off"
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
    entity_id: media_player.entranceway_speaker
      message: >
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.recycling_tomorrow', 'on') %}
          Reminder. It is garbage and recycling night.
        {% else %}
          Reminder. It is garbage and green waste night.
        {% endif %}

Part of my Lovelace Reminders Card:

  - card:
      content: '![Image](/local/icons/rubbish_and_recycling/recycling.png)'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
          box-shadow: none;
          --ha-card-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
      title: Garbage and Recycling Tomorrow
      type: 'custom:hui-markdown-card'
      - entity: binary_sensor.recycling_tomorrow
        state: 'on'
    type: 'custom:hui-conditional-card'
  - card:
      content: '![Image](/local/icons/rubbish_and_recycling/recycling.png)'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
          box-shadow: none;
          --ha-card-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
      title: Garbage and Recycling Today
      type: 'custom:hui-markdown-card'
      - entity: binary_sensor.recycling_today
        state: 'on'
    type: 'custom:hui-conditional-card'
  - card:
      content: '![Image](/local/icons/rubbish_and_recycling/garbage.png)'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
          box-shadow: none;
          --ha-card-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
      title: Garbage and Green Waste Tomorrow
      type: 'custom:hui-markdown-card'
      - entity: binary_sensor.recycling_tomorrow
        state: 'off'
      - entity: binary_sensor.garbage_tomorrow
        state: 'on'
    type: 'custom:hui-conditional-card'
  - card:
      content: '![Image](/local/icons/rubbish_and_recycling/garbage.png)'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
          box-shadow: none;
          --ha-card-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
      title: Garbage and Green Waste Today
      type: 'custom:hui-markdown-card'
      - entity: binary_sensor.recycling_today
        state: 'off'
      - entity: binary_sensor.garbage_today
        state: 'on'
    type: 'custom:hui-conditional-card'
show_header_toggle: false
style: |
  ha-card {
    border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
title: Reminders
type: entities

I’ll post a screenshot Sunday.


Awesome, thank you.

In my city in Southern California, all bins are collected on the same day every week. Trash, Recycling, and Yard Waste.

Thanks. Did you make those icons? Got the code for your irrigation notification too? :slight_smile:

We work on a fortnightly cycle. Waste and FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) one week, then Recycling and FOGO the next.

At Christmas time our council has an extra recycling pickup either the week of or the week after Christmas. That may be a bit hard to add it is not consistent year on year.

Hey tom, did 107 break your reminder card?

Have not updated yet, but it will be because of the use of custom:hui-... and the way home assistant no longer preloads all cards.

It can be fixed by using this: