What's your favourite ESP32 board? (# Best, good, cheap, quality, reliable)

I haven’t heard any complaints about QuinLED’s, only recommendations…

So if you want something good quality without doing oodles of research, that’s probably a good place to start.


Nope, I read your post thoroughly. But I am simply not convinced that you solved the basic problem of RF interference. Ferrites will not help as you get strong induced signals right in the sensor PCBs. I have solutions for you but they are about the sensors and not about the ESP, so not fitting here.

I get what you are saying, and thank you, I’m not trying to go round in circles with you here :slight_smile:

What I’m asking is… would a more expensive board have less RF interference because of the better components. I feel, I have the best components on the sensor side, is it time to change the board and if so, what’s the best board for this type of project :slight_smile:

Good overview of the newer ESP32 variants… C3, S2, S3.


Hello!. Any specific development board with terminal blocks for the QuinLED-ESP32 with soldered pins that anyone could recommend? Thanks

I’d love to hear people’s recommendations on ESP32s for low power deep sleep battery projects too.

Like along the lines of “I’ve been using board x and it wakes y times per day to do blah and it lasts z days off of a 1mah battery, and it doesn’t even play weird silly-buggers, it has just been rock solid since dinosaurs :t_rex::t_rex:”.

Edit: Andreas Spiess’ awesome spreadsheet.



Just found an ESP-01 variant I have not seen before on Ali Ex.

The T-01C3 uses the ESP32-C3 and has the same form factor and pinout as the original and could be a good replacement where bluetooth is needed.

More info here: https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-01C3


Makes sense. I believe the C3 has been positioned as somewhat of a “ESP8266 but with Bluetooth”

It can be just bad luck, but my LilyGo / TTGO ESP32 POE failed on me after about 1,5 years of usage. The chip and ethernet still work, but PoE fails. Funny since PoE was chosen for reliability reasons :roll_eyes:

I just switched off PoE in my switch and power it over USB now. Easy in this case and still connected to my UPS. I was planning to add one at a more remote location, but I’m in doubt about that now.


They look good. I’ve been looking to get one for glow project but need to figure out how to power it up as meter has no gpo.

Got me thinking, something like this, not sure though.

I love the Quinleds but wouldn’t recommend them for low power projects (tested).

I like and can recommend the LILYGO® TTGO T7 V1.5 Mini32 if you remove the led (as per vid in link above)

I also can recommend the sunflower solar power manager.

I’m not sure if you need it to be on 24/7 but that could be challenging. Mine sleeps a lot.


Deep Sleep: Firebeetle 32-E

I’m trying to build up more deep sleep esp32 recommendations so adding this here.

Feel free to add more details @johnBoy.

did you find any good store?

They are available now.

in a EU shop or a shop which is declairing VAT?

You could ask/search on the QuinLED Discord server.

If there’s not something existing they may think about a new distribution channel to reduce costs to EU?

There’s even a “Dutch chat” channel on the server, so they might know…

Isn’t that all a bit weird? Both QuinLED (in the Netherlands) and the mother company of Allnet China (in Germany) are EU based. Shouldn’t they have thought about a EU distribution channel already, without requiring our external input?

I guess so. Yeah fair enough. I didn’t know that context.

Anyway, doesn’t hurt to ask the same question over there - probably more EU QuinLED users over there.

Hey @JetSerge and others. I wanted to give a quick update.

My go-to ESP32 is the M5Stamp C3U now.

It is small, convenient, and pretty. Perfect for most simple use cases (your typical sensor/actor node).

  name: testing-esp
  friendly_name: Testing ESP

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

The company behind this series is fast. There is once again a newer product listed on their webpage: M5Stamp ESP32S3 Module | m5stack-store


Lolin/Wemos ESP32S3 mini - lots of IO, S3 - psram, fast like sanic, onboard RGB led. My go-to.