When Home Assistant is on Printer goes unresponsive

I have no clue what is going on, but I finally figured out that the second I start home assistant on virtual machine my brother laser printer locks up and goes unresponsive and print jobs either come in after a few mins or dont come in at all. The second I turn off virtual assistant things go back to normal…
I have a brother HL-L2360D printer wired to my network where I would normally print off laptops and iPhones no issues.

Its like home assistant automatically takes over IPP and breaks my printer. I tried disabling IPP integration and I also tried installing the brother integration and running things that way and also disabling both IPP and brother integration and I have no luck. Im a novice on Home Assistant.

any help would b great.

same IP address?

I dont know. I gave up then and im giving it a second try today and will keep that in mind thanks

Did you ever find a solution? I’m having the exact same problem and I’m about ready to toss HA in the trash.

Any info on this? Same problem here.