When I hear pi I think 3.142 (22/7) Math

I am new to the home automation scene and I’m having trouble trying to install some software.
I couldn’t help but notice the slew of tutorials on installing hassio, but if I hear the words “raspberry pi” one more time, I am going to loose it.
I am a PC person, which means I am going to have a few of them lying around doing nothing.
So I’m in search of an UPDATED tutorial on how to install hassio on a PC (xi3) that isn’t running windows, I would like to stay clear of anything virtual, which means using a dedicated PC. I am positive I can build my own IOT server, I just need a little help.
I tried the Intel nuc image, didn’t work for me. The closest I got was installing Ubuntu 18.10 server and even a bit further using the Ubuntu desktop version. Went through the procedures for installing hassio, I even got it installed and running on both a couple of times but whenever the PC looses power home-assistant stays but hassio disappears.
Now I am trying Ubuntu 19.04 but I am getting a docker error.
Not everyone has or can afford a raspberry pi but most people have access to an older PC or laptop which can be re-purposed, so I say don’t forget about us.

Go with Ubuntu, Docker and HassIO. Documentation is a little lacking for a step-by-step but this gets you most of what you need, plus there are already threads on this forum for the rest of it. If you follow one of the NUC tutorials it will work fine (installing Ubuntu / Docker / HassIO) but just be sure to use the generic HassIO rather than the HassIO NUC image (which is designed for installation without Ubuntu / Docker anyway).

If this is the case you might want to stop chasing home automation because the RPi is cheap compared with the rabbit hole of other devices you would likely end up buying!

not to mention if you had old i3 PCs laying around you could sell one or two of them and get enough for a top of the line pi…the pi would use considerably less power than a pc.

Although are you sure you want hassio and not just home assistant?

When running HassIO on Ubuntu / Docker you get the best of both worlds: HassIO add-ons plus access to the underlying host to run other applications. All of the reasons that people previously said they chose straight HA over HassIO no longer apply with this setup

Not i3 computers, an xi3 modular pc (a pi with frosting on top)

I could be wrong but what I observed with a lot of the instructions is that they are simply outdated, especially for the latest version of Ubuntu. Installing docker and getting it to work was a pain, it also took me a while before I noticed that the hassio URL I was using had to be modified.
So after many failed attempts of trying to install hassio on the server version of Ubuntu, I opted for the Desktop version with minimal install and that’s when I noticed the problems with the install, I guess there is something to be said for GUI’s. But I will know tomorrow when I restart the server after simulating a power failure, I refuse to let this project deprive me of sleep another night. Tonight, Ignorance truly is bliss.

Does the hassio intel-nuc image only work on the NUC or will it work on other x86 devices? That may be an option.

It does work with other devices, but I think they require an intel chipset.

I tried the NUC image, thinking intel, and got to work on an X86 based system.
short answer it didn’t for me. I burned the image, went to install and nothing, just a cursor looking back at me.
So it looks as though if you’re going to use an X86 based system , Ubuntu might be your best bet.

when I did it I followed a Debian tutorial but substituted the appropriate items for Ubuntu Server. That tutorial is for a NUC but surely you can also substitute where required…

That makes sense, I guess hassOS can only have so many drivers included.

when I did it I followed a Debian tutorial but substituted the appropriate items for Ubuntu Server. That tutorial is for a NUC but surely you can also substitute where required…

Wow that’s far from straight forward. The whole point of hassio/hassOS it that it’s easy to set up and maintain, and while that will work for ubuntu it would put me off if I was a beginner. I guess if you want to learn about docker and containers it’s not a bad way to learn.

I’d be tempted to just use HomeAssisant + VEnv on Ubuntu for a minimum fuss install. I only use a few HassIO addons however, and if you really need the addons then Docker is needed.

This works fine for me.

The hassio addons are just other programs you can instll on ubuntu anyway.

apt install mosquitto

etc. However I am running appdaemon and esphome in docker. Docker is not that hard. I can see why people like it.