Where are addon logs stored? Do all addons save the previous log like HA itself does, ie log.1 ...?

Trying to debug the DSS VoIP Notifier for ARM addon which keeps crashing and I can’t see that it rotates the previous session’s logouput when it restarts - any ideas there - do addons not do this?
Thank you!

My first suggestion would be to see what Logs are available via the
UI->Settings->Logs and in the upper-right there is a pull-down, where you should be able to select your DSS VoIP Notifier AddOn.

If that doesn’t work, then a more sophisticated way is as follows:
My understanding is that HA’s Add-On/Docker containers are set up to send all log messages to the HAOS Linux journal facility. The logs are stored in /var/log/journal/blah-blah and in my case there is a log file for each day for the past 25 or so days. However you can’t look at these files directly, but instead you use the journalctl command to look at the logs and there are command parameters that allow you to filter on various things. You’ll need access to the HAOS Linux kernel shell either via the console, or if you have it setup you can ssh using port 22222 (ssh AddONs don’t give you this access).

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Thanks, I can do this and have done this, but it’s the OLD rotated log I was after.

Thanks, I’ll try this!