Where are dependencies of custom components installed?


I had to modify the enocean integration for two of my Eltako relays and put it in custom_components/enocean. The component has a dependency to the pip enocean package in version 0.60.1. I’ve run into some problems and want to make sure this latest version is actually used.

The documentation says that all dependencies are installed under deps but this directory is empty. Where can I find the installed dependencies?


It depends on your installation method, OS vs supervised vs core. To be sure, you can just update manifest.json file with correct dependencies and respective versions, HA will take care of installing them.

Or you can manually install them using pip.

I am running OS. Where are the actually dependencies installed so that I can take a look at them? Why is deps empty? I can’t install manually using pip on OS I think…

If you are in os, HA core should he running in a docker container and all its dependencies are part of docker. You can access to docker cli and use
pip show enocean
assuming that enocean is pip package name. On the other hand, i am not sure if pyrhon virtual environment is being used inside docker or not. If yes, the installed dependencies should be part of respective virtual environment.

That’s another problem - I’ve been trying to figure out how to get to the actual underlying operating system but failed. OS is effectively a virtual machine (kvm in my case) but I didn’t manage to get to the console. Only the HA CLI is available through SSH but this doesn’t give shell access. I don’t think this is a docker setup (but I might be wrong…)

I am using portainer to access cli of docker instances and enabled access in my raspbian (not using home assistant OS)

So I can login using SSH (using the SSH plugin/add-on). There, I have the ha command and I can navigate in the directory tree. But I don’t have pip and I also don’t see that the enocean pip library is installed anywhere. The usual pip paths are empty