Where are friendly_name for sensor and binary_sensor stored by default? How to manipulate friendly names directly? Especially for Xiaomi sensors and switches?

I have a lot of xiaomi sensors and switches. In release 0.83 there are breaking changes regarding xiaomi devices.

  • Prefix all xiaomi_aqara events with “xiaomi_aqara”. Please update your automations: motion -> xiaomi_aqara.motion , click -> xiaomi_aqara.click , cube_action -> xiaomi_aqara.cube_action (@syssi - #17354) (binary_sensor.xiaomi_aqara docs) (breaking change)

So I hope I don’t need to rename entities but only the events.

Anyway: The name of entities is “strange” and hard to remember but the friendly_name can be changed in the UI, and I changed them in the UI. But where are these friendly names stored by default? They are not in any of the files I can access in the configuration folder. Or are they? Where?

I have read there are https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/customizing-devices/ but my question is not how to use this way. My question is: where are the friendly names stored by default and how can I extract them from there and manipulate them?

I think they are in .storage, a hidden directory under your configuration directory.

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Thank you!
I found them here: