Where are located site_packages?


I am struggling with some issues with a custom component that I installed with HACS.

I am getting some issues from this component using the library, that have a weird issue.

I tried installing a clean VM and installing this component and works perfectly, so the problem is from my installation.

I removed the integration, the repository from HACS and everything, but when I make the whole process to install it again, I get again the same error.

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:214
First occurred: May 29, 2023 at 06:12:52 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: May 29, 2023 at 06:12:52

Setup failed for custom integration seatconnect: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'Connection' from 'seatconnect' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/seatconnect/__init__.py)

Is the main library for the integration that crashes, is not a new version, but I think something corrupted, how can I find the “site_packages” path so I can try to remove it manually?

I tried with a Terminal addon, but I cannot see the folder /usr/local/lib contains a python3.10 or any python folder.

I tried with SSH directly to the VM, and I get the Home Assistant shell, and I cannot find a way to find folders there.

Enter the homeassistant docker container.

From where? I have not access to Docker from the Terminal addon. I found in the hassio terminal from my VM in Proxmox the option for docker, but I cannot see any useful command.

I found kind of a guide here HOWTO: How to access the Home Assistant OS host itself over ssh that is pretty good, but finally I made as suggested in a comment in the same thread that I posted, using the community terminal add-on, disabling the protected mode and works perfectly, I was able to access the container and remove the corrupted package from there, and the integration works again.