Where are the config data of my FIBARO Motion Sensor

I run Home Assistant 0.106.6 , I’ve installed it as an image for my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and B+ 32bit.

I’ve added a z-wave AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 EU via menu : configuration/integration

I’ve added a FIBARO System FGMS001-ZW5 Motion Sensor device via menu : configuration/Z-wave/Add Node

but there is nothing in the configuration.yaml file

my question : where are the data ?

Thanks for your help

If you configure something through the UI, there will be nothing written to the configuration.yaml file. The configuration data for the UI is stored in the folder .storage.

What data are you looking for?

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many thanks for your answer
I wanted to change the port address of my z-wave stick

Hmm, I’m not sure on this one, maybe you need to remove the integration and add it again with the new address or it may be possible to change this in a file in the .storage directory.

Why do you need to change the address? Did you plug the stick into a different port and it changed the address? If so, I can recommend taking a look at udev rules to create a persistent address, no matter which USB port you connect the stick to.

What I’ve just done is what you said : remove the integration and add it again with the new address and now it’s ok
thanks again