Where are the controller entities? Zigbee dimmer/switches (Ikea Rodret and Ledvance mini)


I have a Home Assistant running on a proxmox machine, Conbee II as zigbee coordinator. It’s mostly running fine for more than a year. Recently I switched from deCONZ to Zigbee2MQTT.
It’s connected to some Zigbee-Lightbulbs, a door/window sensor, a motion sensor, a Sonoff SNZB-06P Presence detector, an Aqara temperature/humidity sensor, a smart plug…
Yesterday I installed two dimmer/switches, an Ikea Rodret and a Ledvance Smart Switch mini. They are showing up in Zigbee2MQTT, and in “details”, information about “Battery”, “Action” and “Linkquality” is shown. When a button is pressed, it is visible beside “Action”. I would say, so far everything looks good.

Problem is: I can’t find other entities than “battery” for these switches. When I go to “devices” and select the Rodret or the Ledvance mini, under ‘diagnostics’ there is only “Battery” and a deactivated ‘linkquality’.

I installed Blueprints for these devices. In the blueprint for the Ikea Rodret, the first configurable entry is “Remote”, and you have to select a device, but there is nothing to select.
In the blueprint for the Smart+ mini, I select integration: “Zigbee2MQTT”
The next required field is: “(Zigbee2MQTT) Controller Entity - The action sensor of the controller to use for the automation. Choose a value only if the remote is integrated with Zigbee2MQTT.”
But in the dropdown-menu with entities, the only entities from these switches are “battery”.

Since I switched to Zigbee2MQTT very recently, I am not sure, if I should have configured something, to enable a ‘controller entity’?
What did I miss?

Entities show a state, but buttons do not really have a state for more than a moment.
Button events ther fore often go to the event bus only.

Go to the developer tools and select the events tab.
Type * in the button field, which will capture everything.
Since it will capture everything you need to do the next steps in a somewhat rapid succession to avoid too much extras.

Click the start listening button.
Press the button in the way you want it to work (single press, double press, long press/hold or whatever).
Click the stop listening button.

You will now have a capture of all events happening in HA at that interval and somewhere in there you button events should be.
There can be more than one event depending on the button design.
It can be something like button pressed followed by button hold, button hold, button hold and then button released. It is the button vendor that decides these things.

When you find the events copy them out for later usage with an event trigger.

Thanks for the explanation. But are you sure, this is needed, when using blueprints for these buttons? For example, in the " Control anything with IKEA RODRET or IKEA SOMRIG remotes" blueprint, the first line is:
IKEA remote (Somrig, Rodret) to use.”
there is a field “device” with a dropdown-menu, but it says: “no matching devices found”

I begin to wonder, if this problem might be due of the recent update of Zigbee2MQTT to 2.0.0?

Yes, seems like there is something broken after the Z2M update to 2.0.0.

A few minutes ago, damru, the author of the blueprint for the Rodret, wrote that he did a change in the blueprint to fix issues.
I re-importet the blueprint for the Rodret, and now I am able to select a device.

I will have to see about the Ledvance mini, but I guess it’s a similar problem with version 2.0.0 of Z2M.

I had not known this: