Where are the dashboard yaml files stored?

Might be a dumb question, but did not find the answer our any dashboard.yaml files in the system. The dashboards (tabs) created in HA are also yaml files if I am right. So they, have to be stored somewhere? Or are they database driven and only in the data base? Would be interested to have the files for backup and editing.

It is .storage/lovelace

And it is in json and not yaml. That probably increases efficiency at loading but at the expense of user friendly access for geeky users

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How do I access .storage with Studio Code Server on HASSIO?

You can do “file > open” - it’ll still show you the .storage folder, and from there you can find the JSON file(s). There’s a nice JSON plugin for VS code, it the embedded one let’s you install those?

Where from? Does not make sense in Studio Code Server … ?

Burger menu (three lines) reveals this for me within Studio Code Server for me:

Got it! Thanks.

thanks. I found it here (full path from root):

Home Assistant 2023.5.4
Supervisor 2023.04.1
Operating System 10.1
Frontend 20230503.3 - latest

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