that might very well be true, and I wasnât stating your eventsensor was the culprit. Merely noted that after installing that, my CC version of Hue_sensor stopped working.
It was a version from before the move to the remote platform, when Hue custom still used the hue_sensor. It worked just fine
Sensor for checking the status of Hue sensors.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
import asyncio
import async_timeout
import logging
import threading
from datetime import timedelta
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_time_interval
__version__ = "1.8"
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=1)
TYPE_GEOFENCE = "Geofence"
"SML": "mdi:motion",
"RWL": "mdi:light-switch",
"ROM": "mdi:remote",
"ZGP": "mdi:google-circles-communities",
"FOH": "mdi:light-switch",
DEVICE_CLASSES = {"SML": "motion"}
"SML": [
"RWL": ["last_updated","battery","on","reachable","name","type","modelid","uniqueid"],
"ROM": ["last_updated", "battery", "on", "reachable"],
"ZGP": ["last_updated","name","type","modelid","uniqueid"],
"FOH": ["last_updated"],
def parse_hue_api_response(sensors):
"""Take in the Hue API json response."""
data_dict = {} # The list of sensors, referenced by their hue_id.
# Loop over all keys (1,2 etc) to identify sensors and get data.
for sensor in sensors:
modelid = sensor["modelid"][0:3]
if modelid in ["RWL", "ROM", "SML", "ZGP"]:
_key = modelid + "_" + sensor["uniqueid"][:-5]
if modelid == "RWL" or modelid == "ROM":
data_dict[_key] = parse_rwl(sensor)
elif modelid == "ZGP":
data_dict[_key] = parse_zgp(sensor)
elif modelid == "FOH": ############# New Model ID
_key = modelid + "_" + sensor["uniqueid"][-5:] ###needed for uniqueness
data_dict[_key] = parse_foh(sensor)
return data_dict
def parse_zgp(response):
"""Parse the json response for a ZGPSWITCH Hue Tap."""
TAP_BUTTONS = {34: "1", 16: "2", 17: "3", 18: "4"}
press = response["state"]["buttonevent"]
if press is None or press not in TAP_BUTTONS:
button = "No data"
button = TAP_BUTTONS[press]
data = {
"model": "ZGP",
"name": response["name"],
"state": button,
"last_updated": response["state"]["lastupdated"].split("T"),
"type": response["type"],
"modelid": response["modelid"],
"uniqueid": response["uniqueid"],
return data
def parse_rwl(response):
"""Parse the json response for a RWL Hue remote."""
responsecodes = {"0":" click","1":" hold","2":" click release","3":" hold release"}
button = None
if response["state"]["buttonevent"]:
press = str(response["state"]["buttonevent"])
button = str(press)[0] + responsecodes[press[-1]]
data = {
"model": "RWL",
"name": response["name"],
"state": button,
"on": response["config"]["on"],
"battery": response["config"]["battery"],
"reachable": response["config"]["reachable"],
"last_updated": response["state"]["lastupdated"].split("T"),
"type": response["type"],
"modelid": response["modelid"],
"uniqueid": response["uniqueid"],
return data
def parse_foh(response):
"""Parse the JSON response for a FOHSWITCH (type still = ZGPSwitch)"""
16: "left_upper_press",
20: "left_upper_release",
17: "left_lower_press",
21: "left_lower_release",
18: "right_lower_press",
22: "right_lower_release",
19: "right_upper_press",
23: "right_upper_release",
100: "double_upper_press",
101: "double_upper_release",
98: "double_lower_press",
99: "double_lower_release",
press = response["state"]["buttonevent"]
if press is None or press not in FOH_BUTTONS:
button = "No data"
button = FOH_BUTTONS[press]
data = {
"model": "FOH",
"name": response["name"],
"state": button,
"last_updated": response["state"]["lastupdated"].split("T"),
return data
def get_bridges(hass):
from homeassistant.components import hue
from homeassistant.components.hue.bridge import HueBridge
return [
for entry in[hue.DOMAIN].values()
if isinstance(entry, HueBridge) and entry.api
async def update_api(api):
import aiohue
with async_timeout.timeout(10):
await api.update()
except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohue.AiohueException) as err:
_LOGGER.debug("Failed to fetch sensors: %s", err)
return False
return True
async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None):
"""Initialise Hue Bridge connection."""
data = HueSensorData(hass, async_add_entities)
await data.async_update_info()
async_track_time_interval(hass, data.async_update_info, SCAN_INTERVAL)
class HueSensorData(object):
"""Get the latest sensor data."""
def __init__(self, hass, async_add_entities):
"""Initialize the data object."""
self.hass = hass
self.lock = threading.Lock() = {}
self.sensors = {}
self.async_add_entities = async_add_entities
async def update_bridge(self, bridge):
available = await update_api(bridge.api.sensors)
if not available:
data = parse_hue_api_response(
for sensor in bridge.api.sensors.values()
if sensor.type != TYPE_GEOFENCE
new_sensors = data.keys() -
updated_sensors = []
for key, new in data.items():
new["changed"] = True
old =
if not old or old == new:
if (
old["last_updated"] == new["last_updated"]
and old["state"] == new["state"]
new["changed"] = False
new_entities = {
entity_id: HueSensor(entity_id, self) for entity_id in new_sensors
if new_entities:
_LOGGER.debug("Created %s", ", ".join(new_entities.keys()))
self.async_add_entities(new_entities.values(), True)
for entity_id in updated_sensors:
async def async_update_info(self, now=None):
"""Get the bridge info."""
locked = self.lock.acquire(False)
if not locked:
bridges = get_bridges(self.hass)
if not bridges:
if now:
# periodic task
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await asyncio.wait(
[self.update_bridge(bridge) for bridge in bridges], loop=self.hass.loop
class HueSensor(Entity):
"""Class to hold Hue Sensor basic info."""
ICON = "mdi:run-fast"
def __init__(self, hue_id, data):
"""Initialize the sensor object."""
self._hue_id = hue_id
self._data = # data is in .data
def should_poll(self):
"""No polling needed."""
return False
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
data = self._data.get(self._hue_id)
if data:
return data["name"]
def unique_id(self):
"""Return the ID of this Hue sensor."""
return self._hue_id[+4:][:-3]
def state(self):
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
data = self._data.get(self._hue_id)
# if data and data["changed"]:
return data["state"]
def icon(self):
"""Icon to use in the frontend, if any."""
data = self._data.get(self._hue_id)
if data:
icon = ICONS.get(data["model"])
if icon:
return icon
return self.ICON
def device_class(self):
"""Return the class of this device, from component DEVICE_CLASSES."""
data = self._data.get(self._hue_id)
if data:
device_class = DEVICE_CLASSES.get(data["model"])
if device_class:
return device_class
def device_state_attributes(self):
data = self._data.get(self._hue_id)
if data:
return {key: data.get(key) for key in ATTRS.get(data["model"], [])}