Where can I find const.py for auth

Where can I find const.py for auth component on the pi image?

I would like to try this dirty hack and return a longer token :slight_smile:

Yes but iam running NOT in docker. Where can i find this on the PI Image? With ssh terminal? VS Code?
With ssh terminal i didn’t find this file also not with -iname etc.

I bet you are, you just don’t know you do :smiley:

Do you actually run Home Assistant Core? Every other methods (Container, Supervised, HAOS) use the same HA docker image.

Outline of the steps you’ll need to perform, assuming you run HAOS:

  1. Get access to the HAOS host: Debugging the Home Assistant Operating System | Home Assistant Developer Docs
  2. Enter the HA container: docker exec -it homeassistant bash
  3. execute the sed command above
  4. exit and docker restart homeassistant

Oh, and don’t forget to do this each time you upgrade HA. The “hack” will be reverted every time…

That’s possible too, of course :slight_smile:

I just flashed the Raspi Pi4 image to my SD card and started it. I installed SSH Terminal.
I didn’t realize that the image just launches as docker. I’ll take a look then, thanks :slight_smile: