Where can I get help with some issue?

Let me intruduce myself as a new user of HA.
I am running it on a Raspberry Pi5.
I want to learn it and make some test.

I’m not able to connect HA directly to my Geiger counter and that is only the first issue but I used Scrape to get data from Geiger Counter World Map.
The second issue is that Scrape does not get all rhe hystorical data
It seems also that sometime it goes offline with no data or with fake data (last reading repeated until online… another issue)
How can I have a notification of “offline sensor”?
I tryed with helpers like derivative and noises thinking that with a constant reading (a flatline) I will get a derivative = 0 but here is the other issue…
Seems that in HA a flat horizontal line has a derivati e different from 0 or that it keeps the last derivative from the last data from scrape (but in this last case the question is: why scrape logs constant data instead of no data?).

Other device: a LinkTap connected to HA with MQTT without any data on consumed water or water flux (speed) but only a message “entity is non-numeric”

AirGradient: it is a pollution sensor that in casa of power off and power on gives in HA strange singular readings like a temperature of -1500 °C
How can I manually edit data in order to replace or delete the impossible values?

Does someone can help me with some issue?