Where did I park my car?

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

I’ve been think about this one for a while. Now finally sat down and had a go. Turned it into my very first (published) blueprint.

This blueprint saves your current your location so that you may find your way back later. Hence you need to actually be by your car when you push the button, and provide necessary location accuracy for your need.


  1. You need to have a device tracker that updates your user’s location.
  2. You need a button helper that you press.
  3. You need a text input helper to save the coordinates.
  4. One template sensor that provides a link to eg. Google maps, based on the coordinates as such: Google Maps{{ states(‘input_text.parked_car_location’) }}

##How it works
When your button is pressed, that automation runs, grabs the user_id of the user that pressed the button, uses that to grab the username, which in turn grabs the coordinates of that user. Saves that to a text field.

  name: Where Did I Park My Car
  description: Saves your car's location when you press a designated input button.
  domain: automation 

  input:  # User-configurable inputs
      name: Location Storage
      description: Input Text helper to store car's coordinates
          domain: input_text 
      name: Parking Location Button
      description: The input button that triggers the automation
          domain: input_button

  - platform: state
      - location_button
    - variables:
      userid: "{{ trigger.from_state.context.user_id }}"
      username: |
        {% for person in states.person if person.attributes.user_id == userid %}
          {{ person.attributes.friendly_name | lower }}
        {%- else -%} 
        {% endfor %} 
  - service: input_text.set_value
      value: >
        {{ state_attr('person.' + username, 'latitude') }},{{
        state_attr('person.' + username, 'longitude') }}
      entity_id: car_location_input_text
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Hi Daniel,

nice script!

Just in case you did not know: Another solution or extension to your tooling could be to use the smartphone as issuer rather then a user pressing a button.

With the companion app you could trigger when being connected or disconnected to a specific BT device within your car. Then you can log the smartphones coordinates with GPS high accuracy being activated while the automation is active.

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