Where has all the disk space gone?

Running HASSIO as a Hyper-V VM with Supervisor. HA is reporting that the disk is 90% full but when I log in via the terminal and run df it is only reporting 1.8 GB in use. I can’t figure out how to track down the usage!


ha su repair

to clean up your disk.

that didnt free up any space

How big is your disk ?

6 GB allocated. But when i run du it only shows 1.8 GB in use

docker image prune -a ? Could remove a bit more than ha su repair

That didnt free up any space

I figured out I was checking disk usage of the Home Assistant container and not BusyBox OS.

I needed to run login on the console before I could track down the usage. Found about 2 GB was in use by AdGuard logging.