Where is custom components folder?

I am a complete newbie to home assitant configuration.

I need to add several .py files to the custom components folder in order to connect devices to HA, but I am getting comfused to where is the custom components folder??? I search on the internet but I get no clue what people are talking about…

Do I need to create the folder myself? Where to create it? addons? backups? config? share? ssl? Thanks for your reply!

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Yes, you need to create the custom_components folder yourself in the root of where your config files are.

That means inside the config folder?

Yes. In the folder where your configuration.yaml file, there you create the subfolder custom_components. And then you might need to vreate sub folders within that, depending on what you want add.


Stupid question do you create the folder using putty logging into your pi . I did add samba share and dont see the folder .

ssh root@your-ha-server
mkdir /config/custom_components


Ok thanks will try when I get home. Appreciate it

I am using Hassbian and would like to know how to get into the root. I have setup samba and can log into to my pi . Username pi and my password. From there I am not sure what to do.

If you have Samba running then logging into root via ssh is not necessary. While having your file folder view of your HA puter looking at your Config folder, just create in there a new folder named custom_components.
If you still wish to login as root, I am not running Hassbian so advice elsewhere would be more appropriate.

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