Where is emulated_hue stores?

I have had emulated hue enabled in hassio.
This does not have the functions I wanted, so i thought I could just delete the config in configuration again.

But all my entities was still discovered by alexa.
Tried to make a new discovery with Home Assistant and my physical hue hub turned off, but the were discovered once again.

  1. Time.
    Again, deleted all my devices alexa knew, and i installed a completely fresh version of Home Assistant (and made no additional configuration).
    Also reset the alexa device to factory settings.
    Alexa discovers all my emulated hue stuff…

what to do?
Do alexa or Home Assistant have a ‘let’s p*** the owner off’ -function, or ???

Really. Where is the hidden emulated hue data?

Are you putting emulated hue in your config? If so it will discover everything unless you tell it not to. Might be helpful to share you emulated hue config.

With a true fresh install, emulated hue is not enabled by default and alexa shouldn’t have found anything unless you enabled it.

Thanks for your reply.
Now, I have a completely standard version of Home Assistant running. No changes in configuration what so ever.
And alexa still remember my emulated hue.

Can it be stored at my alexa account somehow?

Did you go to the Alex web page and tell it to “forget” all your devices before you did the discovery ?

I assume you did but I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t something obvious…:wink:

I removed my emulated hue component when I went to HA cloud and everything just went away so I don’t think it stores anything in any persistent storage location that I know of.

Hi again.
I have now removed the Home Assistant skill completely.
See screenshots below (note the time stamp).
First I make a 'forget all.
Afterwards I take a screenshot of my skills.
Last, I would make a screenshot of the alexa discovering once again, and let you see the devices again. But it already added them again by itself.
At no point under these screenshots, I have asked alexa to discover.

Where the freakin’ does it get these stores values from?

Did you create a HA Cloud account and then sign in to the account?

Just spit balling here to try to figure out where the devices are coming from…

Oh, yes. Did not think of nabu casa.
I am now logged in, but no change…


One more thing to try is to completely shut down your HA machine, forget devices then try to discover devices again and see if they come back then.

At least it will tell you if it’s coming from HA or somewhere else.

I will do so (I’m not at home today).
But the skill is disabled, and an untouched version of Home Assistant is Installed. So I’m not the difference is that much.

But I’ll try to disconnect my echo at home, and let my alexa app do the discovery (not connected to wifi).
Also Home Assistant and my physical hue hub unplugged from power ant ethernet.ppl

That must narrow the destination of the devices down.

Finally, it seems like I found the reason… or… actually, no reason found, but at least a solution.

Started off from scratch, by:

  • Disable Home Assistant skill (and all other relevant)
  • reset Home Assistant to completely untouched install
  • log off nabu cada
  • deregister alexa in app
  • factory reset alexa device (2nd gen)

Start up the fresh Home Assistant with all devices unplugged from Wi-Fi/ ethernet, and started building up.from the list above (beginning at the top).

For every step done, I made a 'discover my devices'.
Until I got to the last point, all was good.
But hooking the alexa 2nd gen to my account - they were back.

I found out that I did the factory resetting wrong.
It was indeed deregister from my account, but not reset.
Did the reset right.
De-discovered my devices, and ran a discovery again.
Now all is running, and no emulated devices available.

GREAT !! But still, I don't get why the alexa device had that effect…

Anyhow. Thanks for your assistance - it lead me to the right direction.


Me neither. I wouldn’t think that any smart home device information would be stored on the Echo device itself.

But that’s good information to know and I’m sure that it might help somebody else.

I’m glad you got it figured out.

I know you fixed your problem, but I have some discovered devices that just don’t want to go away. I see them in /config/emulated_hue_ids.json and was wondering if I can safely edit that file or not.