Where is hassio on (corrupt) sd card?


suddenly my Hassio won’t run. I tried to ssh into the server, but it is not there. I can read the sd card ‘resin-boot’ but cant find the files i normally see in the samba share. i’d love to back up before reinstalling…

Where is Hassio located on the sd card?

this is what im seeing:


resin-boot is one of many partitions made when burning the ISO to SD card. See if you can find/mount a different partition from the SD card.

HI, thank also for your answer in the other thread.
I wouldn’t know how to look for other partitions, since I’ve connected it to my Mac with a card reader, and the disk utility didn’t show any another partitions either.

@Mariusthvdb Did you ever figure out how to find other partitions?

nope, not yet.
Did manage to sftp in and see all files on the SD.
i should setup ssh on port 2222 (developers mode) but didn’t find opportunity yet.

I followed this and it worked!
