ive installed HASSIO on my windows 10 but there are no HACS. ive already downloaded the HACS.zip but i just cant find the configuration.yaml and the config folder despite trying to read all the resources on the internet. iVe also tried to look for them in the hidden files on my VM folders or my HASSIO folder but i just cant find them
For future reference, it’s no longer called hass.io. You’ll be hard-pressed to find any mention of installing hass.io in the official documentation. Its new name is Home Assistant OS. Even Peyanski’s blog avoids using the old name.
Windows isn’t going to find those folders…you have virtual machines and Home Assistant is running as a separate virtual machine. Re-read the section in that post you followed to install titled " Using Home Assistant Snapshot for migration". You have to samba to access those folders…even though the folders are on the same physical system as windows.
I’m having the same issue but what it is “to samba”?
I have samba installed on my HA, but how can I access those folders?
Samba documentation says:
If you are on a Windows use \<IP_ADDRESS>\… Where do I enter that? And what would be the IP_Address?
I read on this manual to access files with samba:
And it also requieres an IP address. Tried with mines but didn’t work. How can I know the IP for my samba?
I’m just trying to install HACS, tried with the ssh script to auto install and it said it was installed but I can’t find it, I restarted after the installation but can’t find HACS. So I’m trying to manual way, but can’t find the root directory.
I’m a newbie on HA but I hope it gets more friendly… Been hours trying to install one module
Thanks for helping. But I can’t find that IP address.
I read that I had to use ifconfig command for that, but when I type it on my Oracle VM it asks me for a password. I have no idea what password is asking me. I enter anything and then it asks me for my home assistant login, I enter my home assistant login credentials and it tells me “login incorrect”.
I also tried using Fing, and found out that my HA IP is I enter that on my windows explorer and it tells me that “Windows needs a share resource to publish. Try another location”
I’m typing \\ when I do right click on This Pc, add network location.
No. It has not. There was a plan to make /homeassistant the anchor for addons but it was modified recently tk make the change transparent to end users. If you’re seeing this you may have installed a version of the samba addon that’s serving /homeassistant instead of /config it’s been reverted in the samba addin v. 12.x and the PR that was making the change has been edited to ensure the process is transparent to end users.
So if you’re seeing /homeassistant it’s not intentional.