Where is my influxdb data?

I have installed the influxdb addon at the beginning of the year. I have not enabled any purging (to my knowledge). My config just looks:

  host: localhost
  port: 8086
  database: HomeAssistant
  username: HomeAssistant
  password: xxxxxxxxx
  max_retries: 3
  default_measurement: state
    - entity_id
    - friendly_name
    - device_class
  precision: ms

Yet, sometimes I have a really hard time finding data. For example, I have a Centralite Zigbee thermostat since last year. Yet, magically the data only starts June 5:

Sometimes I am even running into issues that are just “impossible”. For example, I want to plot wattage from my Emporia 2 in-panel meter. I use Apr 1 to Sep 30 as time range and after long time I get:

Then I change the start date to Apr 1 (which should perfectly include the previous data), yet I get:

In general, many queries return “Your query or command is syntactically correct but returned no results.” where I really expect data.

Is there anything I am doing wrong?
Is there a way to get a quick overview which data is actually available in the database?

With mySQL, phpmyadmin, it’s simple to see the content of individual tables and see which are empty, which not and how many data sets each table contains. I am lacking this overview completely for influx.

Hi there, I dont know, what can be wrong with your data, but if you want to verify the raw data in the database, it depends on version of your Influx DB. In the older version it is not easy to read out the data, but if you have up to date versions (for example I am using 2.7.1) the raw data can be observed in quite user friendly web interface which is by the way very similar to grafana…Just use your server’s IP address and port 8086.

Best regards
