Hi, i also want to know this location. I’m using NFS shares as my entire network is linux based. I have set the correct permissions for HA… But maybe it spits out a more meaning full error when directly writing a file via SSH. The other shares work (media and share)
I have found 2 paths (via the SSH addon) but i lack the backup path :
media path /media/
share /share/
but /backup is the internal backup folder of HA on the SD card (tried swapping the default backup location to the network share in HA, but this did not change anything. Not even the symbolic link in the /root folder).
I have created the storage in the settings. But somehow it fails writing the backup and i want to use the SSH addon to test if writing is possible to this folder from HA.
I had HA traverse a folder to far in the path variable when setting up the share. It’s now working. Though it would be helpful next time to know the exact path
I cannot find where the remote backup is mounted. The mount command only shows the media mounts. Where are they hiding the backup? I really want to understand
@KennethLavrsen@NCO3 I don’t know if this answers your question but this is how set mine up. I made a shared folder on my synology called HomeAssistant and inside that share I placed a folder called media and a folder called backup. I then mounted all three things:
In the terminal I have /share/Synology/ and inside of that folder I have a media folder and a backup folder. When I set my backup location to the NAS backup storage location the backups end up in /share/Synology/backup/
Hopefully this is helpful as it was all trial and error for me…
Thank you.
You did this via fstab not the UI, i suppose?
This thread is about where to find the backup folder when created using settings -> storage -> backup in the UI as far as I understood.
Could not unmount backup_on_wurmloch due to: Transaction for mnt-data-supervisor-mounts-backup_on_wurmloch.mount/stop is destructive (mnt-data-supervisor-mounts-backup_on_wurmloch.mount has 'start' job queued, but 'stop' is included in transaction).
This thread is moving away from the original question.
The question is what is the path the the mounted external storage on the Home Assistant box.
We had different reasons for the question. I personally like to know so I can troubleshoot when something does not work. Not because I want to change anything. I just like to understand what is under the hood.
I would also very much like to know the answer too. After a very bad time with running HA in a VM under Unraid, where the entire host Unraid system fully locks up and I am left to hard reset (shivers). I move to a baremetal installation + restore from a backup (done to a network share). Under the new installation my network storage locations simply disappeared. I tried repeatedly to recreate them to no avail… until I changed the “Name” (that is shown under home assistant) to something other than what it was before.
The error indicated it is a destructive operation. Seems pretty clear not all traces of the former share are gone. I need to find the expected path to fully understand and fix this issue.
Based on some comments in this thread I’ve found the mounted NAS backup location under /share/[NameOfConfiguredNASBackup]. For me, I have mine called NASBackup in my HA settings so my mount is at /share/NASBackup
As a note, even though I had that configured as a backup location, I had to go to the backups settings and change the default backup location.
I’m also very interested in the question “backup mount path”.
I’m very new in HA and right now I’m experimenting with HA, BUT I have an automatic backup running very well!
Now I’m looking for a solution to purge old backups. That means, I want to keep e.g. the last 7 backups, the rest I want to purge.
My idea was to purge with a shell-script! But without a path ???