Where is owntracks configuration file?

I added owntracks integration via integrations panel, installed the Android app, etc, and is working fine.
Now I want to change some configurations, like regions, GPS accuracy, add any waypoint white list, etc…

But the configuration strings aren´t in my configuration.yaml, as it is supposed to be, following home assistant help documentation… and I have no integrations.yaml or something like that in my hassio config dir… where it should be? Thanks

Integrations added via the user interface web panel are not stored in configuration.yaml, they are stored within the core registry which should be left untouched unless you are willing to risk breakage.

You can add some Owntracks configuration elements in your configuration.yaml manually, e.g. the below snippet is mine.

     max_gps_accuracy: 200
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Thanks for the answer. So, it is better add integrations via interface web panel, or writting it in configuration.yaml? Is can´t see how to delete owntracks integration to rewrite it manually… Will the configuration elements added to configuration.yaml override all the default core registry configuration?

Thanks again

Adding things through the frontend doesn’t edit the configuration yaml.

A lot of integrations are moving to the front end. Personally, I want to do as much as possible without restarting my HA, so I prefer the frontend.

You don’t have to delete it to add your parameters, but to delete it, it’s pretty simple to click on the integration in the GUI and hit the delete button.

You don’t need it to override anything.

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Thank you for your support… you are very kind. Anyway, in integrations–> configured integrations I can see owntracks. But when I click on the trash icon, at top right, nothing seems to happen. Owntracks integration keeps there.

It should have prompted a message stating that HA needs to be restarted to remove…

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No prompt at all… and after the restart, owntracks integration appears in the same plase, integrations—> configured

Did you put owntracks: in your configuration yaml?

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No… and I tried to delete google cast integration too, to check if this works, and no… neither removed it.